The X-Rust Organization is dedicated to providing racism-, discrimination- and harassment-free events for everyone. Any kind of harassment, disruptive behaviour, excessive intoxication or smoking indoors are strictly prohibited. We will intervene with any misconduct immediately as it comes to our attention and anyone misbehaving will be removed from the event and will risk being banned from our future events. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, please inform the organizers immediately.
Welcome to join the party and dance with us!
Emme hyväksy seksuaalista häirintää, rasismia, homofobiaa tai minkäänlaista aggressiivista käyttäytymistä. Jos kuitenkin sellaista koet, kerrothan siitä välittömästi meille järjestäjille, niin voimme toimia.

Time: 08.02.2020 23:00 - 09.02.2020 05:00
Venue: Ask your local underground hero
Price: 8.00€